At Pioneer House, we embrace and celebrate the diversity of our students and their families. We understand that our students may come from a variety of family backgrounds - some may have a mum and dad, two mums, two dads, a single parent, or live with grandparents, guardians, or carers. We also recognise that some students may be exploring or identifying as part of the LGBT+ community themselves. What unites all of us is the respect, acceptance, and love that forms the foundation of our school community. We are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and safe to be themselves.
LGBT+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and The “plus” represents people who identify as other genders or have other sexual identities.
Many children will know relatives, family friends or neighbours who identify as LGBT+. It is important to us at Pioneer House that we represent the different families we have within our community.
Aside from our moral responsibility, it is also our statutory duty to teach children about different families and relationships and therefore all schools in England are expected to teach Relationships Education. In teaching Relationships Education we ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect. We ensure that all of our teaching is sensitive and appropriate in approach and content.
Our library is stocked with books that represent different family structures and some of the texts we use within our English lessons feature an LGBT+ character. All children are encouraged to talk positively about their own and each other’s families and the school does not tolerate any homophobic, biphobic or transphobic language.
We are proud to be forward thinking and accepting of all families, to help our children mature into positive role models and global citizens.
Below are some useful links if you would like to know more, including some books suitable for all children.