Key Stage 5

When students join Key Stage 4 or Key Stage 5, they will be placed on a unique pathway dependent on their skills for learning and life. At Pioneer House we pride ourselves on preparing students exceptionally well for their next steps and recognise that our offer needs to be tailored to suit individual pupils’ needs to ensure they have the skills and confidence to live independently and gain paid employment in the future. 
Our upper school Vocational Pathway offer incorporates a range of bespoke vocational subjects and accreditation to support the personal development of our students. This area of the curriculum provides students with the opportunity to gain nationally recognised and standardised qualifications that are underpinned by The Adult Literacy Core Curriculum and The Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum. This runs alongside our Skills Pathway offer which focuses on developing learners’ skills for life working towards the preparation for adulthood outcomes.
The learning route has an emphasis on accessing the community and developing independent living skills. Both pathways offer the subjects which develop students’ knowledge and understanding of personal finance, business, enterprise, independent living and the world of work. Some of this learning is accredited through awarding bodies including Gateway Qualifications, The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and The Princes Trust.

KS5 Skills Pathway

KS5 Skills Plus Pathway

KS5 Vocational Pathway