The Education Reform Act (1988) requires all Local Education Authorities to have arrangements for receiving, investigating and resolving complaints about the school curriculum, religious worship and other matters.
The first stage in any complaint is an informal discussion with the Headteacher at the School. Full details of the complaints procedure are available from the School and .
Parents and carers of the students at Pioneer House who are of compulsory school age are required to ensure that they receive sufficient full time education. At Pioneer House we will do all we can to support school attendance and take seriously any issues that may lead to non-attendance. Good school attendance is essential to ensure that all children and young people make the most of the educational opportunities available and achieve their full potential whilst ensuring that all students stay safe. We believe this sets good habits for later in life, and ultimately if your child is not in school they cannot learn!
Only school can approve absences for students of compulsory age and not parents. Parents are expected to inform school of the reason for a student’s absence, on the first day when possible, either by telephone, by message through the bus escort, by written message or personal contact. If your child has transport please also inform them.
If the student is ill, please notify the school before 9.00am on 0161 241 8100 explaining the nature of the illness and where possible when the student is expected to return. Medical appointments should be notified in advance where possible.
If the student is absent without explanation the school attendance team will make contact with the parent or carer on the same day. Non-attendance is a safeguarding issue. If we fail to make contact, the absence will be followed up by a senior member of staff who may need to involve other agencies.
We ask parents and carers to think very carefully about taking their children out of school during term-time unless there are very exceptional circumstances. It is important that you are aware that parents do not have a right to take children out of school in term-time. If there are exceptional circumstances then you need to complete a leave of absence request form, which can be obtained from the school office. You may then be asked to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership or Attendance Team to discuss your request. Please make sure the leave is agreed before making any arrangements.
Parents need to be aware that if they take their child out of school without agreement from the Headteacher:
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Pioneer House Attendance Document |
Remote Education Offer
At Pioneer House, we know it is important for students to attend school in person to achieve the best possible education and outcomes. We are committed to ensuring that all students can access high-quality education, even when they are unable to attend school in person. We understand that some students may have individual needs requiring short-term or bespoke remote education solutions. Our approach to remote learning is designed to be flexible, personalised, and responsive to the specific circumstances of each student and their family.
Remote education will only be considered as a last resort, when attendance at school is not possible. This could be due to medical reasons, short-term illness, recovery from surgery or exceptional cases where a student’s special educational needs or mental health prevent them from attending. In every case, our priority remains to support students’ return to school as soon as possible.
We will work closely with parents, carers and relevant professionals to assess and agree on the most suitable remote education arrangements. These arrangements will be reviewed regularly to ensure they are meeting the student's needs and to facilitate their reintegration into school.
Our remote education provision can be tailored to individual students and may include a combination of:
We recognise that many students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) may require additional support to engage with remote education. We will work collaboratively with families to create a bespoke learning plan that ensures all students can access education effectively. This may include adjustments to the curriculum or differentiated resources.
All students at Pioneer House have Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Plans. We will work closely with the local authority to ensure all statutory duties are met, and that students receive the right support during periods of remote education.
The safety and wellbeing of our students is paramount. Our remote education provision will follow safeguarding policies to ensure that all students remain safe if they are learning from home. We also encourage regular contact with teachers and peers to support students' emotional and social well-being during remote education.
If remote education becomes necessary, the school will proactively contact parents and carers to discuss the available options and determine the best approach for each student. We are committed to maintaining open lines of communication with families throughout the period of remote education and are here to provide support and guidance whenever needed.
Please reach out to the school if you have any questions or need to discuss remote education possibilities for your child.
Referenced Guidance: DFE Providing Remote Education: Guidance for schools. 19/08/2024